Universal Standard Summer Coupon

Disclosure: I’m not being compensated for this post, however, there are affiliate links. This means that if you click through and order anything through them, I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. These commissions help me continue my work here, and I greatly appreciate the support! Popping by quickly this…

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It’s been a long time since I’ve done a true personal blog post. I’ve been balancing many things at once the past few years and now it is beginning to sound like a broken record saying such things. Taking time to sit down and write has been something I have been missing for a long…

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Spicy Carrot Salad Recipe

July 15, 2023   16 Comments This spicy carrot salad recipe hangs out in your fridge – ready to eat when you are looking for a snack. Like my refrigerator dill pickles recipe and Chipotle corn salsa recipe, these spicy carrots get better with time (as do I). This recipe isn’t that spicy – it…

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Rich white guys are making money through creating vaccine disinformation campaigns. They’re targeting our community the hardest.

So, funny story—you know the movie series The Purge, right? The movie is about a government that facilitates a single day each year where all crime is legal. They go to great lengths to make it clear that this includes murder. It goes about as horrifically as you might expect—lots of torture, lots of petty vengeance,…

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