Frittata Sandwich – 101 Cookbooks

Every few months I find myself in San Diego. Usually North County, not far from where I went to college. I love that stretch of coast (Salk Institute! Encinitas!) and we pop down as often as we can. A trip to this area isn’t complete without braving La Jolla traffic to visit Wayfarer Bread. It’s the neighborhood bakery of dreams located in Bird Rock. They often have a frittata sandwich on the menu and if we’re there for lunch, it’s what I order. The version I had last April involved asparagus, avocado and spring onion aioli with slabs of sheet pan frittata and slices of Hatch chile cheddar cheese loaded between slices of their beautiful sourdough. I made a mess of it all, but loved every bite.

Back at home, I’ve since tried to step up my frittata sandwich game. Sheet pan frittatas are wildly versatile and convenient, but until I experienced the Wayfarer sandwich, I primarily enjoyed sheet pan frittata slices as a rice bowl component, or as an accompanying some sort of potato situation for brunch, or as a make-ahead component for breakfast burritos. But lately, if I make one, and if I have some good bread, I channel some Wayfarer sandwich vibes, raid the refrigerator, and go for it. Here’s a recent favorite version, made with a lot of components you’ll probably recognize from previous recipes posted here!
a frittata sandwich on parchment paper

Frittata Sandwich: The Components

  • Good bread: Good sandwiches are built on great bread. I make some recommendations down in the recipe, but bonus points for homemade. A sandwich baked on homemade bread tastes extra special. I toast for this sandwich.
  • A good slather: For this sandwich I use a wildly garlicky aioli-ish spread situation spiked with serrano chile pepper. You’ll have leftover, and it can be used to make just about everything savory taste better.

ingredients for frittata sandwiches on kitchen counter including eggs, tomatoes, aioli, lettuces

  • Seasonal vegetables: I layered lettuces and roasted cherry tomatoes here. Plus some ripe avocado. The sheet pan frittata was additionally loaded with lots of chopped kale and green onions. Go with the season, or whatever your family likes!
  • Sheet pan frittata: If you bake a tray on a Sunday, you have enough to make a few sandwiches throughout the week.

side view of sheet pan frittata sandwich help together with toothpick

The frittata sandwich pictured is made on homemade bread – it’s not quite focaccia, it’s not quite nan-e barbari, it’s something in the neighborhood of both though.

a hand holding a frittata sandwich


There are infinite ways to experiment with this sandwich. Start by playing around with the bread. You can see the bread I like to use here, but you can never go wrong using great sourdough. Beyond that, switching up the added ingredients in the sheet pan frittata is always an option. I like to use this component as a way to work in greens and/or herbs, but you might load it up with caramelized onions, or roasted seasonal vegetables. Spreads and slathers are also swap-able. Strong flavors are welcome here, so don’t be shy about working in different chiles, garlic, spices, and pastes.
sandwich with a big bite taken out of it

More Sandwich Recipes

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