Research of the Week
Heart disease rate and mortality rate were higher in people with no “risk factors” than in people with only the “risk factor” of high LDL-C.
Cellulose-based emulsifiers and heart disease.
Monkey mothers who ate a standard American diet during pregnancy give birth to babies with altered gene expression and elevated insulin secretion.
Older first-time moms are at a higher risk for breast cancer.
New Primal Kitchen Podcasts
Primal Kitchen Podcast: The Link Between Strength and Success with Endurance Athlete Eric Hinman
Primal Health Coach Radio: Q&A with Erin Power
Media, Schmedia
Lab meat company fails to pay invoices.
Interesting Blog Posts
Social Notes
Everything Else
Humans faced a huge population bottleneck in the ancient world.
Slaughtering the buffalo had lasting impacts on the people who relied on them.
Things I’m Up to and Interested In
Interesting video: Fauci addresses Cochrane study that said masks don’t really work.
Delicious: The USDA wants you eating ultra processed blends of beans, grains, and vegetables.
Interesting report: On climate metrics for livestock.
But why?: Early onset cancer on the rise.
Classic paper: A hunter-gatherer health prescription.
Question I’m Asking
What’s your “elevator spiel” for better health?
Recipe Corner
Time Capsule
One year ago (Sep 2 – Sep 8)
Comment of the Week
“‘Mark, your observations about not taking chances are spot on. I wish I’d learned much earlier in life the benefits of getting outside my comfort zone. Anthony Bourdain, the renowned chef and life observer was quoted as saying, “Embrace fear; know your strength; live with purpose.” Words to live a fuller life by.“
-Absolutely, Steve.
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