What Types of Cardio are Best for Women?

There are so many different types of activities that can be considered cardio. What Types of Cardio are Best for Women? A quick walk around your neighborhood is a cardio activity. Swimming laps in the pool is cardio. Even the Zumba class at your gym is considered cardio. You are have tons of choices when it comes down to choosing a cardio activity.

Types of Cardio are Best for Women?

That being said, there is no ‘one size fits all’ cardio activity that’s perfect for all women. Different women will prefer different forms of cardio. While some consider walking a lesser form of cardio, it might actually be the best option for a female who is severely overweight and can only walk short distances. Doing HIIT (High Intensity Training) might be too much for her, or for someone who is recovering from an injury. By taking daily leisure walks and watching her diet, she’ll lose the excess weight over time and will be able to handle the more strenuous types of cardio.

So how do you know which type of cardio is best for YOU? Start by asking yourself, these questions.

What’s your activity level?

If you’ve led a sedentary lifestyle for years, you should choose a cardio activity that’s not too strenuous or high impact. Walking, swimming, stationary bike, etc. are good examples of steady state cardio that you can do to slowly improve your fitness level.

Joining a HIIT class or a kickboxing class may be too exhausting for you and you may even injure yourself. It’s best to ease yourself slowly into a lifestyle that is more active.

What do you like doing?

It’s always best to pick an activity that you enjoy doing. Most women automatically think of running when they hear the word cardio but there are so many other activities that are considered cardio.

Last weekend we went on a 9 mile hike and that was some serious cardio! The uphill climb and the rock scrambling made for a tough workout that was so much fun.

The view from the top was breathtaking and I wish I lived closer so I could hike more often. Although the downhill descent made me realize my knees are old and that I need to wear my knee sleeve the next time I go!

What Types of Cardio are Best for Women?

The answer is the activity that you are actually going to do! Whether it is hiking, kickboxing, dancing, power walking, cycling, organized sports, rowing, etc. —it doesn’t matter as long as you enjoy it. This will ensure you stick with it!

Most women make a huge mistake by picking activities that they don’t like just because it is deemed one of the most effective for burning calories and fat loss. This results in you dragging yourself to your workouts because you’re just not interested. If you don’t enjoy it, your mind will make up excuses to avoid it.

Don’t worry about the fat loss goal. As long as you eat healthy and maintain a caloric deficit, the cardio will boost your metabolism and your fat loss will come.

Click here for some of my favorite “Fat Loss” workout programs

Your activity will become a part of your lifestyle. Many women, when they reach their ideal weight, stop doing the workouts as soon as they reach their goals. This happens when you hate what you are doing… and the end result is that they regain all the weight they’ve lost and more. However by doing cardio activities that you love, you’ll keep doing them even when you reach your ideal weight and you’ll keep off the excess pounds from creeping back in. Fitness is a lifestyle, not a destination.

What’s your goal?

If your goal is to build strength, your cardio activity should have strength training components in them. If you want to build stamina, the activities should have a higher focus on endurance.

Adapt your cardio training to achieve your goals. If you want to improve your endurance, jump rope training is excellent. If your goal is to build muscle in your butt and legs, HIIT workouts with body weight training exercises will be ideal for you. (Click here for a killer workout for your butt!) Know your goals and pick an activity that will help you get there.

Now that you know what to look out for, choose a cardio activity that you like and fits in with your goals, and do it at least three times per week. Be consistent with your training and know that results happen over time and not overnight. In 90 days, you will have transformed your appearance, especially if you’re consistent with your training AND your nutrition.

Just remember—keep on going and you will get there. Never give up!

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