Research of the Week
Both short and longer naps help restore blood pressure function in shift workers.
For optimal seminal health, including fertility, testosterone, and sperm volume, aim to have high HDL and low triglycerides.
Tea appears especially helpful for circadian health.
A little passive stretching is good for older men.
High-load strength training tends to be more effective than blood flow restricted strength training, but the latter can be comparable if applied properly.
New Primal Kitchen Podcasts
Primal Kitchen Podcast: The Secrets of High Performers with Psychotherapist and Triathlete, David Roadhouse
Primal Health Coach Radio: Laurie Olivier
Media, Schmedia
Is a volcano responsible for much of 2023’s heat?
Interesting Blog Posts
Reminder: we are designed to eat meat.
Social Notes
How I work out when I don’t have much time.
Everything Else
Testing artificial wombs to support premature babies may begin soon.
Things I’m Up to and Interested In
Cool supplement to consider: Nattokinase for managing atherosclerosis.
Interesting: Using the Fast and the Furious soundtrack to trigger insulin secretion in human cells.
Consistent finding: Problems arise when a population strays from their traditional diet.
Milk differences: Vegan mothers produce milk with more selenium, less iodine and iron than omnivorous mothers.
Keep busy: More hobbies, less depression.
Question I’m Asking
How do you exercise when you’re short on time?
Recipe Corner
Time Capsule
One year ago (Sep 9 – Sep 15)
Comment of the Week
“‘What’s your “elevator spiel” for better health?
No idea; I take the stairs.“
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