Research of the Week
A diabetes diagnosis lowers life expectancy.
Pea protein fares pretty well against whey protein, but the dose must be extremely high.
Astaxanthin improves gut health.
Better alignment between light exposure and activity levels will reduce cognitive decline.
Diabetics get the best results with resistance training using 3 sets per exercise and 8-10 reps per set.
New Primal Kitchen Podcasts
Primal Kitchen Podcast: So What’s Your Gut Telling You?
Primal Health Coach Radio: Marcus Farris
Media, Schmedia
Is “net-zero” realistic or even possible?
CRISPR-edited pig kidneys kept monkeys alive for 2 years.
Interesting Blog Posts
Vegan companies are turning to more “masculine” marketing.
Social Notes
Everything Else
In the 3rd millennium BC, the Northern Baltic region had a bunch of parallel societies of hunters, fishers, foragers, and farmers with very little integration. What a wild time that must have been.
They’re now able to read ancient Hellenic scrolls previously illegible.
Things I’m Up to and Interested In
Might explain why they were such good marine explorers: Austronesian cultures often practiced extensive human sacrifice.
Not surprised: Insulin resistance linked to depression.
Look at that: Exposure to artificial light at night during teen years linked to higher blood pressure as an adult.
Interesting: The role of cholesterol in synapse synthesis and function.
Of course: More medium intensity activity throughout the day is best for adults with depression.
Question I’m Asking
Do you listen to your gut?
Recipe Corner
Time Capsule
One year ago (Oct 7 – Oct 13)
Comment of the Week
“Lab grown meat, fully autonomous self driving vehicles, robot dogs, AI (or AGI) – it’s all hype. We forget that we are an aspect of reality able to perform certain actions within that reality. We are not creators – in the sense of originators – of reality. Thinking we are would be like a robot in a car factory thinking it could become CEO. There are levels to things, and we are not above nature or outside of it. We are one with it.“
-Well said.
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