Sport can help youth become better citizens

 Their social and civic values, in particular, influence their concern for others’ welfare.

Recently, we researched to explore possible links between sport and promoting social issues and the collective good. We explored the shared learning opportunities that exist between two areas in the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education and Citizenship and Civics Education. Sport and civic values are interconnected in areas such as fair play, ethical dilemmas and debates, community participation, identity, and inclusivity.

Read more: The kids who’d get the most out of extracurricular activities are missing out – here’s how to improve access

Civic values help keep people happy and secure in a functional society. In democracies such as Australia , these values include freedom, equality, responsibility, accountability, respect, tolerance and inclusion.

It is important that young people are taught these values, as they help to create a more cohesive society. It is becoming more important, especially in light of the COVID conspiracy theories and misinformation.

What is the relationship between sport and civic values?

Adolescence can be a critical time in the development of civic values. Personal life experiences, social contexts, and relationships influence this development. This context can include school, home, and extracurricular activities like sports.

Many young people are involved in sports. It offers opportunities to:

To achieve team goals, we must work together. It can also help develop empathy and altruism in children.

In a study, for example, youth who participated in organized sports were more accepting of migrants. Sporting contact with migrants’ children was associated with more positive attitudes.

Children who participate in sports are more likely than others to feel compassion and accept them. Shutterstock

Read more: Pushing casual sport to the margins threatens cities’ social cohesion

Research has noted parents describing sport as a “school of life”. It teaches their children tolerance, teamwork, a sense of duty, the value of hard work, and socialisation skills.

The development of sportsmanship and values like fair play and respect in young people can benefit them in their lives.

Sport can also contribute to the good of society by encouraging prosocial behavior.

2021 review examining 13 international studies examined the impact of sports programs in preventing crime and reoffending. The study found that participants had a markedly reduced level of aggressiveness and antisocial behavior. They improved their mental health and self-esteem. This resulted in a reduction in criminal behavior.

James Naismith was the creator and inventor of basketball. He believed that this sport taught its players moral values. He did not create basketball as a game that footballers could play indoors in the winter. Instead, he made it as a way for children to learn about teamwork, cooperation, fair play, and sportsmanship. He believed that team sports helped develop the essential skills for a community to function.

It’s not all rosy

Unfortunately, in elite sports, deceit and greed can be elevated over positive virtues like courage, cooperation, and sportsmanship. Many student teachers in our study referred to negative news reports about racism, cheating, and doping.

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