Cathe’s March 2024 Workout Rotation • Cathe Friedrich


Hi Everyone,

This month ( March 2024 Workout Rotation) we’ll slow things down a bit and focus on some heavy lifting. Three days each week you’ll perform heavy weighted body part routines, and two times per week you’ll do shorter hiit cardio routines. You’ll also notice that you have two off/recovery days each week. Taking the extra time to recover will help to restore the strength and energy that you need to give your all to your workouts. You can use these days to rest completely or to enjoy one of my recovery routines. Feel free to do all low impact cardio routines in place of the high impact if desired. Try to fuel your body with solid nutrition so that it can perform at its best and as always, have some fun!

OnDemand QuickSelect ™ For Cathe’s March 2024 Workout Rotation

iOS, Android, Apple TV, and Roku Cathe OnDemand Users: Cathe’s March 2024 Workout Rotation is available now in your app. Just click on the rotation icon in your app to view this month’s rotation. Web Browser Users:  Note: If you’re an OnDemand subscriber make sure you’re logged into your account through your browser and then just click on the links in my March 2024 Workout Rotation to instantly launch and view your video. Monthly workout rotations are normally published on the first Monday of each month.

Week 1

M… Slow & Heavy Legs & Shoulders

T… Low Impact Sweat

W… Slow & Heavy Chest & Back

T… OFF or Recovery Workout of Choice

F… Slow & Heavy Triceps & Biceps

S… Perfect HiiT High Impact

S… OFF or Recovery Workout of Choice

Week 2

M… RWH Lift it Hiit it Legs

T… RWH Lift it Hit it Back, Biceps & Shoulders

W… Perfect HiiT Low Impact

T… OFF or Recovery Workout of Choice

F… RWH Lift it Hit it Chest, Triceps & Shoulders

S… RWH Plyo HiiT One

S… OFF or Recovery Workout of Choice

Week 3

M… XTrain Legs

T… XTrain Chest, Back, & Shoulders

W… RWH Low Impact HiiT Two

T… OFF or Recovery Workout of Choice

F… XTrain Bi’s & Tri’s

S… High Intensity Interval Training HiiT Pyramid

S… OFF or Recovery Workout of Choice

Week 4

M… Gym Style Legs

T… Gym Style Back, Shoulders & Biceps

W… All Out Low Impact HiiT

T… OFF or Recovery Workout of Choice

F… Gym Style Chest & Triceps

S… RWH Plyo HiiT Two

S… OFF or Recovery Workout of Choice

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